[With Step Up to Writing] We saw a great development of the writing process, which is so vague if you don’t have a writing system, so to have tone district wide from the earliest primary grades all the way up through high school is so strong for our district.
Beth F., Principal, Step Up to Writing
[Regarding TransMath] I have one mom who tells me all the time, “My son never liked math until he was in your math class."
Jennifer L., Special Education Teacher, TransMath
At the beginning of the school year, 91% of my first-graders scored below grade level in Core5 and were assigned Pre-K or K material. By March, that was down to 17%! ... Lexia® Core5® has supported me by providing resources for individualized learning to help fill in the learning gaps.
Elrica B., 1st Grade Teacher, Lexia Core5
I love the fact that the [Time4Learning] curriculum can be organized in the way I want it. Also, it is very easy for my children to get through the lessons.
Laura W., Time4Learning
Thanks to Time4Learning, our child has blossomed.
Andrew F., Time4Learning
It’s the best teaching strategies that give the students the knowledge, tools, rigor, and the information that they need to become academic writers.
Laurice T., Teacher
[Regarding Lexia® PowerUp Literacy®] I am amazed at the depth of the curriculum: It covers everything from reflexive pronouns and participles to argumentative evidence. Students love that they can choose which skills to work on each day ... There’s always something new that keeps them engaged.
Barbara W., Reading Intervention Teacher, Lexia PowerUp Literacy
The Voyager Passport program is the most comprehensive program I have ever seen. I have seen tremendous growth in all of my students.
Kim W., Former Special Education Teacher, Voyager Passport
We’ve had a lot of success [with Vmath] with the four schools. They’ve made great progress with all of their scores, from each grade level, second through fifth grade, so we decided to further this with all of our schools. We are putting it now in 20 schools for next year, our elementary schools and one of our middle schools as well.
Jennifer E., Exceptional Children Program Specialist, Vmath
Teachers were emailing me asking what day it would start and if they could start early! They were really excited because they knew that Lexia® Core5® data would give them the insight they needed to truly help their kids.
Jan E., Assistant Superintendent, Lexia Core5
My 8-year-old son who has dyslexia, auditory processing disorder, and dysgraphia has been using Headsprout for about a month now. He LOVES it. I would recommend this program to ANYONE.
Nikia B., Parent, Headsprout
Two students may be struggling with reading, but for very different reasons. [Lexia RAPID Assessment] is the only screener that helps us easily identify where a student is struggling.
Ashley L., Technology & Curriculum Integration Specialist, Lexia RAPID Assessment
As an ELL (English Language Learner) teacher, I am a huge proponent of Lexia® Core5® Reading. My fifth-grade students have made amazing literacy gains thanks to this program.
Griselda S., 5th Grade ELL Teacher, Lexia Core5
This is our first year homeschooling and Time4Learning has left us feeling stress free. We are confident that our son is learning in a fun upbeat way.
Jena J., Homeschooler Parent, Time4Learning
I personally use the program [Reading A-Z] with my kindergarten group ... I love the leveled books. I use them with my small focus groups.
Stephanie B., Reading Facilitator, Reading A-Z
Reflex complements classroom instruction and has the most advanced artificial intelligence programming available in education. Students have significantly increased fact fluency rates districtwide each year.
Assistant Superintendent, Reflex
I love Time4Learning for my 1st grader. He is engaged and learning! ... It is easy to set up and see what he knows. It is such a time saver because I don't have to spend time searching for things to meet the standards.
Kristy L., Homeschooler Parent, Time4Learning
Without question Gizmos are the most effective technology tool our teachers have implemented.
Science Department Chair, Gizmos
What I feel when I go on to Reflex is happy to be in school.
Student, Reflex
Going through LETRS, you sit there, moment-by-moment, thinking ‘I should have known this.’ It’s the tool to change lives and change communities.
Ebony L., Ph.D., Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, LETRS
My students test scores went up this year. They really were excited with using the program (Headsprout). Each day they couldn't wait to log in, and competition with their names being posted boosted their self-esteem. Thanks!
Yvonne J., Special Education Teacher, Headsprout
I have been using Raz-Plus for two years now and every time I use it I always learn something new. I find this program very useful because it has books in both Spanish and English ... and I can assign books specifically to a student's level.
Johanna G., Dual Language Teacher, Raz-Plus
The LETRS course is equipping Alabama’s PreK-third grade teachers with background knowledge about the science of reading, in order to fully support literacy instruction and provide individualized support for students who struggle with learning to read. The initial feedback has been extremely positive from LETRS’ participants and we hope to expand this opportunity.
Barbara C,. Ph.D., Director of Strategic Initiatives and Family Engagement, LETRS
The projectable tools are so awesome, they make a book come to life on our big board. I love Reading A-Z!
Gloria T., Teacher, Reading A-Z
As [students] progress through Lexia® Core5®, they begin to see that if they truly strive, they will succeed ... It’s so rewarding to see my students believing in themselves.
Dayna S., Implementation Specialist, Lexia Core5
My students need to start science early to prepare for later grades. Science4Us gives them that foundation.
Principal, Science4Us
Our students with disabilities utilize the read-aloud tool. For these struggling students, this program has been one of the first times that we have seen them excited about reading. Raz-Kids has even motivated them to WANT to read.
Emily L., Itinerant Teacher of Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Raz-Kids
As a district of innovation, Science A-Z has been a valuable addition to our already technology-rich core curriculum. We have been using it for several years and plan to continue for years to come.
Kristy O., Teacher, Science A-Z
We just started with Time4Learning and my daughter is doing great. The activities are kid friendly, which helps hold her attention and keeps her engaged in what she's learning.
Sarah H., Parent, Time4Learning
In 35 years of teaching, I have not found such a teacher-friendly program [Vocabulary A-Z] that really teaches the child.
Bill R., Teacher, Vocabulary A-Z
Gizmos really allow students to go deeper in terms of problem solving and critical thinking.
Sylvia D., Assistant Superintendent, Gizmos
All of my students who have used Headsprout love it! I have seen an improvement in their reading ability, as well as their attitude towards reading. They feel successful and are having fun at the same time!
Jo Ann L., Teacher, Headsprout
I have never had such great writing from my students. After 12 years, I feel like I can really teach writing with the help of Writing A-Z!
Beth P., Teacher, Writing A-Z
Lexia® Core5® Reading, has helped my students improve their reading skills tremendously. My students are so happy when they move to another level, and we celebrate and cheer for them.
Debora A., 1st Grade Teacher, Lexia Core5
I just wanted to express my thanks for a job well done. My class of kindergarten students LOVE going on Raz-Kids.
Birdy H., Teacher, Raz-Kids
[Regarding Janice, a student using LANGUAGE! Live] When she [Janice] walked into the room for the first time, you could just see she was so defeated, and eventually, there was a huge shift. We just took our last benchmark last week and her Lexile grew over 300 points and she is going to be testing out of the program. I could tell that she was proud of herself and that she was happy that she bought into and that she trusted the program.
Karessa C., Educator, LANGUAGE! Live
[Regarding TransMath] Does the student have the skills to attack grade-level content? I can say without a doubt, “Yes. They continue to show growth. They are moving along with the curriculum. They will be ready for high school credit algebra.
Christine B., Special Education, TransMath
Students clung to the [Kurzweil 3000] technology like a life-saver.
Mathew M., Assistant English Professor, Developmental Reading
All I can say is WOW! I have been a teacher for many years and have been searching for something like Science A-Z for just as long.
Carla S., Teacher, Science A-Z
This program [LANGUAGE! Live] is life changing, and it’s generational. It affects that child, then their children, then their children’s children. It’s all about breaking that cycle … so they can advance in their careers and have the lives that they deserve.
Antavia H., Educator, LANGUAGE! Live
Voyager Passport takes the five reading components and hits every one of them every day. It works, and the proof is in the student success!
Candace D., Former Principal, Voyager Passport
I didn’t know how to do it at first, but I remembered how the format was, because of the colors, and then I wrote the essay.
6th Grade Student, Step Up to Writing
Kurzweil 3000’s ability to read the PDF versions of my textbooks, while highlighting each individual word, literally reduced my study time by more than two thirds.
Collin D., PhD.
I used Raz-Plus and the ELL Edition for guided reading with me, in learning centers, and for at-home practice ... my students' TELPAS Reading Scores improved tremendously!
Maria R., Dual Language Teacher, Raz-Plus
[Kurzweil 3000] is not a tool that replaces learning, it's a tool that augments learning.
Jeff P., Director of Technology
[LANGUAGE! Live] Very much gets to the comprehension, gets to making connections between the text, other text they have read, and their experiences.
Dr. Laurel A., Chief Academic Officer—Assistant Superintendent, LANGUAGE! Live
Reading is supposed to be enjoyable, and Raz-Kids allows kids to choose books at their level, in their area of interest. The testing and tracking features are a help to teachers who want to see what their kids have done with their time.
Paul D., Teacher/Coach, Raz-Kids
[Time4Learning's] pre-built curriculum, ability to manage multiple kids, keep track of progress, print off worksheets, and more has been a tremendous resource and makes the [homeschool] experience manageable.
Trevor K., Time4Learning
Lexia Core5 Reading has been an awesome tool to incorporate in my classroom. It has assisted me in my pursuit to have instruction specifically tailored to each of my students. It has provided me with tremendous resources necessary to facilitate growth through personalized learning.
D'Yana H., 2nd Grade Teacher, Lexia Core5
[Raz-Plus] is an incredible resource for every student in every school every day! The teachers and students are having a ball. The teachers keep talking about what a great resource it is!
Cat H., Literacy Coach, Raz-Kids
Science A-Z texts are engaging, and the different levels benefit my kids by allowing me to differentiate the instruction without sacrificing content.
Christina T., 4th Grade Teacher, Science A-Z
I have a second-grade student who started my class this year knowing only seventeen basic letter sounds. Within two months, he knew all twenty-six letter sounds and some letter combinations. I give tremendous credit to Lexia® Core5® Reading for this growth.
Gracee L., 2nd Grade Teacher and Instructional Coach, Lexia Core5
To date, I have personally heard teachers state that LETRS is a "game changer" for them. They leave each session with enhanced knowledge that, in turn, further informs and guides their professional actions in the classroom as they work with their students.
Lauren K., Retired Deputy Superintendent and Project Specialist, LETRS
My failing students transformed into engaged learners—and never looked back.
Mary H., AT Consultant
I look at it as a study tool that builds students’ skills, not just to compensate for the disability.
Pam F., Coordinator of the Disability Resource Center
[My students] are becoming leaders, are more successful in the classroom, and are excited about making progress. To influence this kind of change for students is why I became a teacher and why I will continue to use Lexia® PowerUp Literacy®.
Steven B., 6th Grade Humanities and Special Education Teacher, Lexia PowerUp Literacy
When you’re teaching reading, it makes sense to work through context, thus increasing vocabulary and knowledge of the world. That’s a must. With the updated Voyager Passport, we’re extremely pleased to see ‘Adventure Starters’ expanded to standalone lessons, with hooks for students around text.
Janet S., Ed.S., Supervisor of Reading and Language Arts, K-5, Voyager Passport
My favorite thing about Raz-Plus is that it gives my students the ability to read many books at their level. I love the feedback I get from their quizzes so that I can adjust my teaching.
Denise T., Teacher, Raz-Plus
The platform is a gem! Time4Learning has made our new homeschooling experience a joy.
Karolyn S., Time4Learning
Kurzweil 3000 helps me read through my dyslexic mistakes and pulls me through complex text ... I am better able to focus on and understand what I am reading in a timely fashion.
DeAnna G., Recent College Graduate
As reading instructors, we are finally moving in the right direction. The instructional routines we have learned in our LETRS training have helped our students progress in a way that I have never seen in more than 20 years of teaching. We are embracing the strategies we were taught, and it is so rewarding to see the difference in our students.
Gina C., Title I Instructor, LETRS